

Species and abbreviations of all 44 species in piRBase
• piRBase contains information from 44 species, including Human.
# Abbreviation Species
1 aca Sea hare
2 bmo Silkworm
3 bta Cow
4 cel C. elegans
5 cja Marmoset
6 der D. erecta
7 dme D. melanogaster
8 dre Zebrafish
9 dvi D. virilis
10 dya D. yakuba
11 eca Horse
12 gga Chicken
13 hsa Human
14 mfa Crab-eating macaque
15 mml Rhesus
16 mmu Mouse
17 nve Starlet sea anemone
18 ocu Rabbit
19 rno Rat
20 ssc Pig
21 tbe Tree shrew
22 xtr X. tropicalis
23 ame giant panda
24 bgl B. glabrata
25 c26 Caenorhabditis sp 26
26 c31 Caenorhabditis sp 31
27 c32 Caenorhabditis sp 32
28 cbn C. brenneri
29 cbr C. briggsae
30 cca C. castelli
31 cdo C. doughertyi
32 cma C. macrosperma
33 crm C. remanei
34 cvi C. virilis
35 dpa D. pachys
36 hco barber pole worm
37 hpo H. polygyrus
38 nbr N. brasiliensis
39 oti O. tipulae
40 pox P. oxycercus
41 ppc P. pacificus
42 psa P. sambesii
43 spa Mud crab
44 mau Golden hamster
The number of piRNAs of all 44 species in piRBase
• piRBase has the largest number of piRNA sequences compared to other similar databases.
    More than 181 million unique piRNA sequences from 44 species are included.
    Mouse(mmu) has the largest number of piRNA sequences with 68,542,499, which is followed by D.melanogaster(dme), Cow(bta) and Human(hsa).
The number of datasets of all 44 species in piRBase
• piRBase contains 440 datasets from 44 species.
    Mouse(mmu) has the largest number of datasets with 113, which is followed by Human(hsa) and D.melanogaster(dme).
    Tree shrew(tbe) and 23 other species have only one data set.
The length distribution of length of piRNAs of 25 species in piRBase
• Overall, the length of piRNAs ranges from 20nt to 36nt.
    The curve of some species such as Sea hare(aca) and Tree shrew(tbe) contains a single peak between 28 and 30nt, while the curve of several species like mud crab(spa) contains a single peak between 25nt and 27nt.
    In addition, the curve of a few species such as Starlet sea anemone(nve) and horse(eca) contains more than one peaks.