*required information

Before submitting, you need to choose the pipeline for your imputation and phasing job. When the data is processed, you can query status of it in the status page and download the imputed/phased data. For the data safety, only you have signed in to the web server can you upload your data. So please sign in first.

Notice: the job begins about one minute after the file is uploaded, so you need to query at least one minute later.

Choose the pipeline:*

phasing with Eagle and impute with Minimac4

phasing with Eagle, no imputation

imputing with Minimac4, no phasing

Choose the reference panel:*

Nyuwa Genome Resource Phase 1

Nyuwa Genome Resource Phase 1 + 1000 Genome Resource Phase 3

Upload your vcf file in hg38:*

Test data (unphased): test_chr20.vcf.gz