
Search small proteins using multiple IDs or genomic location. Please use standard ID/symbol instead of unconventional synonyms to make sure the results to be found.

ID Search

Example: SmProt ID:SPROHSA197474   Ensembl gene ID:ENSG00000227877    Gene Symbol:FGF7P3   NONCODE gene ID:NONHSAG052613   

Location Search

Start location:
Stop location:
Example: Chromosome:chr10   Start location:61034338   Stop location:61959438

Search hints

ID Search: search through SmProt ID, NONCODE ID, Ensembl ID, and symbol annotated by Ensembl. Please use standard ID/symbol instead of unconventional synonyms to make sure the results to be found.

Location Search: search concerned location of chromosome in specific species. Hits of small proteins will be reported if their locations are overlapped with the input location.

Sequence Search: go to Blast module.