Detail Information of small proteins related to Human Microbiomes for Family ID: 49
General Information
Family ID49
No. Members278
Small Protein Length50
Example of a Refseq homologNA
Associated HGT genesHTH_Hin_like, PHA02517
Number of non bacterial 0
Non bacterial classification_numbe of members that were classified to itNA
RNA code p-value assigned to family3.79E-13
number of species35
SpeciesBacteroides faecis_4, Bacteroides sp. 1_1_30_1, Bacteroides finegoldii CAG:203_1, Alistipes putredinis_1, Bacteroides sp. D22_3, Bacteroidales bacterium H10_1, Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron_58, Bacteroides sp. HMSC068A09_1, Bacteroides sp. AR29_1, Bacteroides sp. 1_1_6_6, Bacteroides stercoris_1, Alistipes putredinis CAG:67_1, Prevotella salivae_1, Bacteroides sp. AR20_13, Bacteroides sp. KFT8_2, Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron CAG:40_3, Bacteroides sp. 1_1_14_4, Prevotella sp. F0091_1, Prevotella sp. CAG:732_1, Prevotella sp. CAG:604_3, Bacteroides nordii_3, Prevotella pallens_1, Bacteroides uniformis_1, Prevotella copri CAG:164_5, Unclassified_1, Bacteroides xylanisolvens_11, Prevotella copri_16, Bacteroides sp. 3_1_13_1, Bacteroides sp. HMSC067B03_1, Bacteroides faecis CAG:32_2, Bacteroides rodentium_1, Prevotella sp. HJM029_8, Bacteroides ovatus_60, Bacteroides sp. D2_6, Prevotella oulorum_23, Bacteroides finegoldii_1

Sample Origin
Body SitesNo. SamplesFraction
Number of homologs from non-human metagenomesNumber of different types of non-human environmentsNon human environments in which homologs exist_number of homologs

Function prediction
% of family members that are predicted to have a transmembrane domain (TMHMM)0
Is family classified as Transmembrane (TMHMM)0
% of family members that are predicted to have a signal peptide in gram+ (SignalP_v5.0)0
Is family predicted to be secreted in gram+ (SignalP_v5.0)0
% of family members that are predicted to have a signal peptide in gram- (SignalP_v5.0)0
Is family predicted to be secreted in gram- (SignalP_v5.0)0
Number of members the are transmembrane (Phobius)0
Fraction of members that are transmembrane (Phobius)0
Number of members that are secreted (Phobius)0
Fraction of members that are secreted (Phobius)0
Number of significant complete CDD hits that were assigned to family representative sequence0
PSSMs assignedNA
Domains assignedNA

PubMed ID31402174
TitleLarge-Scale Analyses of Human Microbiomes Reveal Thousands of Small, Novel Genes
AuthorsHila Sberro, Brayon J. Fremin, Soumaya Zlitni, Fredrik Edfors, Nicholas Greenfield, Michael P. Snyder, Georgios A. Pavlopoulos, Nikos C. Kyrpides, and Ami S. Bhatt
JournalCell 178, 1–15, August 22, 2019